Your child wants to attend a school that offers a variety of art classes and focuses on developing and practicing artistic skills. These schools require evidence of your child’s artistic abilities and commitment to grow as an artist. Depending on your child’s interest, a portfolio of 20 to 30 images, a film script and its realization, or writing samples may serve as such evidence. Some schools also require home tests as part of their application. Naturally, meeting a school or college’s deadlines is imperative for the success of a student’s application.

Finding the right school or program for your child and managing the application process are my areas of expertise. I can help you and your child to identify appropriate schools and programs. I – together with a team of artists - provide guidance for your child on creating and selecting strong works to include in a portfolio. I keep track of deadlines and school-specific exam requirements as part of a successful application. And, I can create digital files of your child’s images as part of an online application.

Applying to art schools and colleges with strong art programs is highly competitive. I want to help you and your child feel confident about the choice of schools to apply to, your child’s portfolio, and any additional on-site or home-based exams.

Please call (754) 252-2369 or email to find out more about how I can help you and your child take this important step.

"The capacity to perceive, to attend, must be learned." - Maxine Greene

Painting by Maria Benatuil, college freshman, guache on paper