You spend most of your time with a pencil, a paintbrush, a camera, a pen and paper? You have ideas that are sometimes a little too “out there” for most people? Your dream job is film director, stage set designer, or architect? You’re thinking of attending art school or a college with a thriving art program? Let me help you to find the right school or college program for you. The application process, whether it’s to a magnet school, an art school or college program, or to a master’s program, is complex, elaborate, not always straightforward, and highly competitive. Partnering with a mentor who puts you on the right track is often the key to success.

While you’re working on your portfolio, entrance essay, a script, or you’re editing your short film, I – and a team of artists who work with me – am here to support you. We provide you with feedback that doesn’t make you feel uncertain about your work but supports your ideas. Your work is your message; it communicates your artistic concerns. We help you to choose which images should go in your portfolio to assert your voice and to showcase your artistic talent.

When it’s time to create a digital version of your portfolio to send to schools, I have the know-how and tools to do it. I will set up a calendar for you to remind you of application deadlines. And, I will guide you through home tests, required by selected art schools to complete the admissions process. 

Ultimately, I can advise you on the best schools or programs according to your talents and goals, help you to organize your life around the application process, and assist you in developing your portfolio. 

Please call (754) 252-2369 or email me at angelika@prep4artschool to find out more information about Art School Prep.

"The capacity to perceive, to attend, must be learned." - Maxine Greene

Photograph by Myles Greenwald, high school senior